Embark on a journey into the mystical world of feline enchantment with the Three Wise Spell Cats, a delightful creation from Nemesis Now's value collection. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, these three adorable kittens are more than just charming companionsthey are keepers of arcane wisdom, whimsically reenacting the famous 'See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil' maxim. Each kitten is seated cross-legged, immersed in the secrets of the occult, holding a book that imparts mystical knowledge from their familiar masters. One kitten playfully covers its eyes with the opened book, another covers its ears, and the third covers its mouth, symbolizing the wisdom they possess. Meticulously crafted from resin and intricately hand-painted, this set captures the essence of magical feline companions. Whether your customers are collectors or seeking a unique gift, the Three Wise Occult Kittens Set is a bewitching addition to any collection. Part of Nemesis Now's extensive cat-themed giftware collection, this set is designed for those who have a passion for witchcraft and familiars. Elevate your space with the mystical presence of these enchanting kittens, each a testament to the magical world they guard.
Bar Code
Nemesis Now
Theme Categorisation
Collection Name
See No, Hear No, Speak No
Functional Categorisation
Figurines Small (Under 15cm)
Boxed Weight (kg)
Boxed Height (cm)
Boxed Width (cm)
Boxed Depth (cm)